I am Grateful for....
The man who came into my
life and sorted out the mess
that was me, who adored me, who spent his life's energy
caring and planning and providing for me, who
was my mate, my friend.
Who shared nearly 30 years of my life with me.
He put up with my tantrums and still he loved me
Oh yes....I am so grateful that God sent him into my life.
I am Grateful for....
community in which I now live.
They have showed me nothing but support and love.
I hope that by my involvement in that community I can
repay at least some of the comfort and joy they
afford me.
I am Grateful for....
magpies who come and drink and
bathes in the bird bath I have in my front garden.
They serenade me with the most glorious warbling as
they sit on my verandah rail.
I am Grateful for....
The opportunity to make this trip and meet
so many cyber friends.
The opportunity to hug them,
share with them, encourage them, love them.
I am Grateful for....
My great faith in the Creator.
For the redemption and hope given me in His Son.
The depth of the realization of God's love is still being
shown to me, it is incomprehensible, unfathomable,
yet I believe in this greatness, this goodness that
surrounds me, consoles me, strengthens me,
and leads me on.
I am Grateful for....
"My world."
The beauty of the hills framed
by a gum tree that I see all day from my window.
The changes in their appearance as the sun and light
shift the shadows across their face.
They are green now, yesterday they were grey with a misty
a month ago they were brown and dry.
I am Grateful for....
My life, that I can live
with the
great joy and contentment of a person at peace.
My greatest prayer is that I can share this peace and
contentment in some small way with everybody
I meet each day.
"May God shower his
blessings and strength on you all."
~ Mimi ~