Some days ago I posted about exercise.
How I used to hate it, never was able to persist in it and used to
make up all kinds of excuses not to go out and do it or stop
exercising all together.
Since I lowcarb faithfully, that has totally changed.
I'm sure we all experience the wonderful energy and clearness lowcarb
gives us.
That energy and the fact that lowcarb alone isn't going to give me
that toned body I so desire (!)has made me want to exercise and to be
able to keep it up and keep enjoying it!!
Sure, I still have days when I have to drag myself to the gym, when I
don't feel like exercising.
Now, I know it's essential for your peace of mind and stress level
that we take this easy!
So what I would like you all to start doing is starting this
process which has 3 stages.
Remember to take all the time you need to get through this process,
it's no rush, prepare well, think and do some research.
The first stage is Motivation.
Motivation is first of all thinking about why you even would want
to start exercising.
Sure it's healthy, I hear you thinking, but lowcarb does wonders for
your health too and I don't have time, my condition is below zero and
I'm just too lazy.
Well let me tell you something, I've been there too, but there's
nothing more variable than a human being.
It doesn't take much time, your condition will improve so fast you
can't even imagine and you being lazy is really no excuse!!
Aside from all the reduced chances to get cancer, heart attacks and
osteoporosis and more:
*It'll speed up your weightloss.
*Tone your body.
*Get rid of cellulite.
*Make your brains produce the "I'm so happy" hormone, serotonin.
*Burn fat even when you're sitting on the couch watching Oprah.
*Make you sleep better.
*Give you even more energy than you already have!
*Reduce your bodyfat percentage.
*Reduce stress.
Now start thinking about what kind of exercise you would like to
do, what did you like when you were a kid?
What made you feel good, made time fly and made you want to do it
What can you do without much effort and start with easily? Without
having to buy tons of equipment and clothes?
What did you want to learn all your life but never actually tried?
Once again, take your time, really, this is very important.
Make the decision to prepare yourself this time, to not jump in like
crazy, to make it work this time!
Make a list of personal motivational points for YOU!!
Think back, and thoroughly examine all different options.
Let a few days pass to think about it and let the ideas settle in your
Now this will be enough to keep you guys busy for some time!
I really would like to enjoy this process together. So if you have any
input, please let me know.
If you're all ready to move on to the next stage, again, let me know.
We're a group right? Let's make this a group thing!