You either get it or you don't.
Your strategy: Become one of those who get it. Learn why
you and other people do what they do. Be one of the people
who has figured it out. In almost every situation, there are
people who get it and there are people who don't -- and it is
really easy to tell them apart. Those who get it are enjoying
the fruits of their knowledge.
The "IT" that you need to get may change from time to time,
depending upon the situation, but there will be some common
elements. You will be working from a foundation of knowledge and
strength once you understand how things really work.
Just like when you break a criminal law, when you break a
Life Law, there are penalties. When you don't get it, when you
don't have the necessary skills, when you don't understand the
rules of the game, such as which behaviors get results, or have
a strategy, you won't be successful. You'll be left behind by
those who know the rules, have the skills, and have a plan.
Ask yourself, "What am I not ‘getting' in the most
important areas of my life?"
Know this: If you learn the 10 Laws of Life, you will
definitely be one of the people who get it.
Clearly, you have to be willing to learn some things you
don't know, so you can begin to make better choices and
decisions. The kind of knowledge you will have is that which
defines and makes the difference between really LIVING and JUST
Existing is instinctual, involuntary, reactive
self-preservation -- just getting by day by day.
Living is the exercise of certain learned skills, attitudes,
and abilities that you have acquired and honed to a sharp and
focused edge.
To have the quality of life that is unique and rewarding, you
need to use your knowledge to make things happen the way you
want them to. You need to learn how and why you do what you do,
and don't do what you don't do.
Information is power. We stumble through life without
training: how to be married, how to be a parent, etc. Nobody has
ever taught us the fundamentals. We depend on role models, and
our role models may be providing us with the wrong information.
Sometimes, the hardest part of learning something new is
unlearning the old way of doing things.
Assignment #2 Adopt the attitude of questioning and
challenging everything in your life that you can identify as
having been accepted on blind faith or as having been adopted
out of tradition or history. Make a list of the patterns in your
personal, professional, family, and social areas. Do you do
things in a certain way because someone else (who didn't know
anymore than you ) did them that way?
Yes, stumbling around is getting old. I would LOVE a clear
picture of
Posted by Cas on 6/19/2001, 11:05 am , in reply to "Life
Strategies - Chapter 2 You Either Get It Or You Don't"
Where I am headed. Fear has kept me from a lot. I think that
once I acknowledge that I can allow myself to make better
choices. You don't know what is holding you back until you start
asking yourself these tough questions and get real answers. Look
Automatic behavior.
Posted by Gwyneth on 6/20/2001, 4:29 am , in reply to "Life
Strategies - Chapter 2 You Either Get It Or You Don't"
I've come to the conclusion that in different area's (food,
friendship) of my life, I've done things and acted in certain
ways for so long, they have become some sort of survival skills.
And every time I'm in a situation I can't handle, I almost
AUTOMATICALLY grab back and slip into these patterns.
Because I always have, because it feels safe, because it
comforts me.
But in the end the outcome is negative, it holds me back.
To deal effectively with people you hope to influence in your
life, such as your family, your spouse, and your boss, you have
to know them to move them -- to persuade them to see things your
way. You need to know what they value, are they ethical, what do
they expect out of life, what fears do they have, what is their
philosophy of life, how do they feel about others and
themselves, and what do they want most in their lives?
The 10 most significant common characteristics of people:
1. #1 fear among all people is rejection.
2. #1 need among all people is acceptance.
3. To manage people effectively, you mst do it in a way that
protects or enhances their self-esteem
4. Everybody approaches every situation with at least some
concern about "what's in it for me."
5. Everybody prefers to talk about things that are important to
them personally.
6. People hear and incorporate only what they understand.
7. People like, trust, and believe those who like them.
8. People often do things for other than the apparent reasons.
9. Even people of quality can be, and often are, petty and
10. Everybody wears a social mask. You must look beyond the mask
to see the person.
Are these observations true of you?
Hmm, doesn't this sound familiar.
Posted by Gwyneth on 6/20/2001, 7:21 am , in reply to "Chapter 2
continued...You did what you knew how to do, and when you knew
better, you did better.""
I think when we keep these 10 characteristics in mind, we'll be
able to have much deeper relationships with others.
And this also makes it much easier to understand certain
behavior and see through it.
I find that almost all these characteristics apply to me, and as
I grow older and meet more people and have more intense
relationships with them, I find that the first of this list
plays a big part in my relationships especially with women. I'm
really working on that one.
I had no idea until a few weeks ago
Posted by Cas on 6/20/2001, 12:03 pm , in reply to "Chapter 2
continued...You did what you knew how to do, and when you knew
better, you did better.""
That fear was running my life. Fear of failing, fear of
rejection, fear of fear, to be honest! I chose to ignore it and
used every other out or excuse I could think of to dismiss my
behavior. Think about it: My friend treats me badly. I say well,
she's not a nice person, she uses me. No actually, I allow her
to treat me poorly because I am afraid she will reject me if I
fail to please her. So I decide to make a choice that will give
ME value. I am who matters, and I have worth. No one but me can
give me that.
Chapter 2 of Life Strategies by Dr. Phil McGraw (cont)
Posted by Get Real on 6/21/2001, 7:25 am
Be a gatherer.
Become an attentive student of human nature, gathering data
every single day as you're moving in the world. It's all about
attitude. Open your door tomorrow with a commitment to pay
attention to how people are behaving and why.
Experiment with the observations. Test out characteristic #2:
The number 1 need among all people is acceptance. Go to a
restaurant, a store, or somewhere where you have interaction
with someone, and acknowledge the waiter or clerk directly.
Comment on how hard they are working and how difficult their job
might be. This will convey a message of acceptance and you will
probably see an upturn in their treatment of you.
You know that certain people are successful and other people are
not. Make a study of how they differ. You probably think I am
teaching you how to be manipulative. You are right. Manipulation
is not, in and of itself, a bad thing. Manipulation is a bad
thing only when it is selfish, insidious, and works to the
detriment of your target.
The person you spend the most time with is you.
Even more important than having the knowledge to predict human
behavior or control other people is having the knowledge to
predict and control yourself. Knowing how to be an effective
manager of others can be helpful; it is exponentially more
important to be an effective manager of yourself. The person you
most need to power and influence is you. The person whose
negative characteristics and behavior patterns you most need the
power to minimize or eliminate, and whose positive
characteristics and behavior patterns you most need to maximize,
is you. It requires knowledge to change: How did you develop the
negative characteristic in the first place, why you persist in
it, and more importantly, how to replace it wil more positive,
constructive characteristics.
You have to understand how you work, from the inside out -- what
makes you feel the way you feel. While you are paying attention
to how the world works, pay special attention to how it is
reacting to you.
You either get it or you don't.
Posted by Gwyneth on 6/22/2001, 2:56 am , in reply to
"Chapter 2 of Life Strategies by Dr. Phil McGraw (cont)"
I'm gonna print this and read over and over again.
Learning about controlling myself and positivity towards others
is definitely something I need to work on.
Thanks for giving me such a great key to start this today!